If you have ever tried off-shore manufacturing to help you reduce costs, or to streamline your own operation, you have experienced the frustrations of outsourcing to China.
There are many obstacles you have to overcome when working with an off-shore manufacturer. You may have asked or thought about the following:
– Is the quote reasonable compared to the other 10 (RFQ’s) that I received?
– Do they understand what I need?
– Are all my measurements adjusted to the metric system?
– Do I know the tolerance differences?
– Do I know the material type, name, compositions and commonly available thickness differences?
– Did I get a “lead in” price, only to find out they will change the price on you after I’ve already started working with them?
– If I get a cheap price, will the quality and reporting also suffer?
– Am I prepared to deal with the mistakes in the first few shipments?
– Will they make mistakes that will cost me money?
– Did the contract manufacturer accept my project just because they are too eager, and did they over-promise?
– Do I understand the various international shipping intricacies including: surcharges, fuel charges, seasonal charges, reporting, bonding, insurance, etc?
– Will the manufacturer cut corners on my product because they misquoted my project?
We understand these concerns, and when you work with MERI China, you simply don’t have to worry about any of them. Working with MERI China is easy. We make the outsourcing process simple and enjoyable.
You will be pleasantly surprised at how hard we work for you to gain and keep your business.
Contact Us Today to Speak with U.S. Based manufacturing specialist
Here’s What We Can Help You With
MERI takes care of the entire manufacturing process, from R&D to rapid prototyping. Here is a list of just some of the services we provide:
Manufacturing Services
Whatever you’re looking for, MERI can help. Contact us today to speak with one of our manufacturing specialists who can answer any questions you have.